April 8

A Simple Plan:

How To Treat A Fever Over 102 Degrees

It is a very important thing to know how to treat fever especially fever that is above 102 degrees this is because fever is a generalized response by your own body to inflammation which can even affect your health to ensure that you know all ways in which you can treat it.

If you have fever do not use cold bath instead use lukewarm bath because it will not cause shivering that will increase the body’s temperature further which will make the matters worse instead it will keep you warm and it will reduce fever too. If it happens that you did your research on how to treat fever and you found out over the counter medication such as acetaminophen is the best way for you then just ensure that you know how to use any fever medication that you will be given as directed to avoid other health complications that might make you be sick other than just having fever.

You can also seek medical professional help in order to treat your fever especially if it has gotten out of hand that you cannot year it since those medical professionals are very good at treating fevers as they know the medicines that they will give you to reduce your fever and also what to do in order to treat the fever so of you to you any medical professional then you will be sure that your fever will be treated and you will be well once more . You can also use the antibiotics to treat your fever since there are those antibiotics that are meant for fever this means that you can purchase one and take as you are directed by the pharmacist whom you will buy the antibiotics from in order to avoid taking the antibiotics wrongly and end up harming yourself so be sure to look out for more info here .

Removing excess clothing that you might be putting on when you have a fever can really help you to treat your fever because those excess clothing do tend to increase the body’s temperature further that ends up worsening the situation then you can just put on light clothes that will not make you swear and at the end of the day you will see that the fever has reduced and even sometimes it has stopped. Ensure that you remove any excess blankets that you use to cover your body if you have fever this is because those heavy blankets do cause that temperature of the body to rise further which makes you have even high fever than expected so instead of the heavy blankets you can also use the ones that are light or even just bedsheets.

If you go to your primary doctor and you find they are unavailable go to an emergency clinic and you will be treated too because the doctors their know how to test fevers too.

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Posted April 8, 2019 by sby in category Internet Services