November 8

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Some Benefits of Using Sound Stage in Video Production

Film producers and directors make important decisions when it comes to filming movies, and one of the important decisions they need to make is whether to shoot the film on a sound stage or in an actual location. Sound stage production can cost you a lot and it depends on several factors like the city where it is located, the project length, and even the time of the year. In high demand areas such as Hollywood, you would expect to pay in the thousands per day. You also spend for building all the sets from scratch. You also need to create and install things you will need for the filming like furniture, lighting, and scenic backdrops.

It can be more cost effective is scenes are shot on location. It only takes negotiations with a city government or a building owner to get a fair rate, and you don’t need to spend much on background since they are already in place.

One of the things that film directors need to take control of are the elements of a scene. They take this into account when choosing a place for filming. A sound stage is a closed set where the temperature, noise level and quality of light can be manipulated at will. Unpredictability is the element you get if you choose to shoot outdoors since you are unfamiliar to the territory and most of these are public places If the weather changes suddenly, all the things you have planned for shooting that day will definitely have to stop and so there is delay and there is waste of time and money.

A lot of directors considers that film production has to be authentic; in other words, it will look real. How much attention to detail does the film setting call for? Consider two scenes, one in a jail cell where two prisoners are talking, and another a chase scene; the first scenario would work well in a sounds stage and the second in an actual setting with real streets and traffic. So for authenticity, it really depends on the kind of scene that is being shot. Simple talking scenes is best done on a sound stage, and there are some action scenes that can be done on location although it is also possible some of these action scenes in sound stages.

The next time your watch a movie, take time to notice the details in the background. Scenes filmed on a sound stage may look very real unless you take time to look closely and see the background with props and skillfully designs backdrops.

There are advantages to using a sound stage for video production. In a sound stage you can control everything that happens on stage and you can make it look like it’s happening in the real world.
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Posted November 8, 2017 by sby in category Foods & Culinary